

Hi! My name is Azahar. Orange Blossom in spanish.

The truth is that I’m not that good at describing myself. I think no one is.
I started taking photos around 12 years ago, when suddenly on Christmas, my first camera was given to me.

Weddings are the reason I do this. I have no words to explain what I feel shooting unique couples and telling their stories through images. It is a privilege of which I will never be grateful enough.

Apart of this way of living, I do some other things that completes myself. First things first: coffee. I’m also a freak of rock culture and motorcycles. I love discovering new places and eating with my people.

Finally, I would like you to know that if you give me the opportunity to tell your story, I will give all that I am and all that I have to create a unique memory, that will left you without words and will make you feel what you felt that time.

“It was love at first sight, at last sight, at ever and ever sight.”


Esa es la pregunta a la que intento dar respuesta desde que empecé en esto. Cada vez que una nueva pareja llega a mí, siento la necesidad de ofrecer algo único y diferente, hecho a medida. Básicamente, porque cada pareja es única.

Os puedo decir que si solo buscáis un fotógrafo, yo no soy la persona adecuada. Me implico muchísimo con cada pareja y con cada boda, tanto que muchas veces las lágrimas no me dejan ver bien a través del visor de la cámara. Si lo que buscáis es una persona que se implique con vosotros al 110% y os acompañe en esta aventura, creo que estás tardando en enviarme un mail.